We’re Vent Masters, and we’re proud to offer some of the best HVAC services in New River, AZ. We’ve been helping homeowners with their heating and air conditioning systems since 2003. Our certified technicians specialize in repairing top-of-the-line models from leading manufacturers such as Bryant, Carrier, Lennox, and Trane.

    With our over 20 years of experience in the industry, we’re committed to providing you with quality service at reasonable prices. Whatever type of service you need for your furnace or air conditioner, we can help.

    HVAC Repair Services in New River

    You may not truly understand how an HVAC system works, but they are complex machines that require frequent service to maintain. Perhaps it isn’t cooling or heating as well as it once did, or maybe it has been making a noise you have never heard before. You should call a professional who can diagnose the problem and then come up with a repair solution.

    You may have noticed your system is running more often than it should. It might also be cycling on and off at odd times of the day. Problems with the thermostat can also affect how well the temperature in your home stays consistent.

    There are subtle signs that can let you know you may have a problem. Here is what to look for:
    • Poor air quality
    • Short cycling
    • Inadequate heating or cooling
    • Strange sounds
    • Odd smells

    Professional Furnace and AC Installation

    The first question that most people ask themselves when considering a new furnace or AC is whether they should repair their old one or just replace it. A repair may work for a while, but if you’re noticing that your system isn’t working as well as it should be, it may mean that parts have worn down over time and need replacing.

    There are a lot of factors to consider, and it’s important to weigh the costs and benefits of both options. If your current system is old, such as more than 10 years, or outdated, it may just be time for an upgrade. Because new systems are more energy-efficient than older ones, your energy costs will go down.

    How often are new installations needed? Heating and AC systems should last 10 -15 years. Most homeowners don’t think about their furnace or AC until they have a problem, but you may want to consider when your devices got installed. If it was more than 10 years ago, chances are good that you’ll want to consider replacing your furnace or AC soon.

    We also offer financing for new installations on approved credit that can help you pay for a new heating or cooling system. You’ll get top-of-the-line equipment, professional installation, and flexible payments that fit your budget. Whether you need to repair an old unit or install a brand-new one, our team of experts will be there to help guide you through each step of the process.

    Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance

    HVAC maintenance is crucial to keeping your system running smoothly, efficiently, and safely. The benefits of regular service are twofold: not only will you be able to enjoy a more comfortable home, but you can also save money by prolonging the life of your system and preventing unexpected breakdowns.

    Routine maintenance includes things like changing air filters, cleaning the condenser coils, and checking for loose parts. A technician will also check for refrigerant leaks, oil the motor, and replace the fan belt. Anything that malfunctions can get caught early before it does any damage to the system. It’s very reassuring to have a licensed professional taking care of your heating and cooling system on a regular basis.

    To schedule an appointment for HVAC services at your home in New River, contact Vent Masters today!